Starting from August 2023, New Regulation in Europe.

In August 2023, the ban on selling certain household items commonly found in French homes comes into effect. If you haven’t updated your equipment yet, this article is for you. Which objects will be prohibited for sale throughout Europe from August 2023?

European legislators are pushing many companies to change their practices. Indeed, the European Union has tightened regulations on the industrial use of several substances classified as hazardous. Among these toxic substances is mercury, still used in many factories. Europe’s goal is to improve the health of its population and increase the energy efficiency of the tech products we all have in our homes.

This is how Europe is banning fluorescent tubes. T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes, which pose problems for the reasons we’ve just mentioned, will be banned from the market starting on August 24, 2023. In the past, circular T5 fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps with a base (CFLni) had already been prohibited. This measure follows logically.

Another prohibited device: pin-based halogen lamps (G4, GY6.35, G9). Starting from September 1, 2023, it will be the end for this other type of “old-fashioned” lighting. If you have one of the soon-to-be-prohibited products at home, it’s time to consider alternatives.

The market for LED bulbs is vast. These are the perfect candidates to replace your outdated equipment. Why? Simply because an LED bulb allows you to keep your old fixtures while complying with current regulations. The best alternatives to products banned by Europe.

As fluorescent and halogen bulbs will gradually stop being sold until they disappear, the best thing to do is to either stock up on them or switch all your lighting to LED. Switching to LED lighting sooner or later is inevitable and will even slightly reduce your electricity bill, so you might as well get started now!

What about switching to smart LED bulbs?

Personally, I’m a fan of smart bulbs. It may sound silly when put like that, but I swear I’d have a hard time going back. I talk about them extensively in this article, which I invite you to check out for more in-depth arguments. In summary, remember that smart bulbs have four major advantages:

  • Change the light colors
  • Adjust the light intensity
  • Manage all your lighting remotely
  • Consume slightly less electricity, like any LED bulb
    The lighting in your home is extremely important, changing your bulbs will have a massive impact on your daily life.

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